Here are a couple of the close to 300 pictures we took on our Safari. We will write a proper update of the past couple of weeks, which has also included a presentation to 100 people in a village on how to run your own business but for now just enjoy the animals ! The four-days on safari flew by way to fast and some highlights included close calls with elephants and lions, camping in the middle of the Serengeti and having giraffes and zebras as visitors to our campsite

A river in the Serengeti

Baboon with baby

Mmmmm Wildebeast

Hungry lioness ready for lunch

Elephant flapping his big ears

Giraffe (and another one behind him) under African flat-top trees

Cheetah - not at all phased by us

Female lion waking from siesta

2 young lion cubs

Hippos saying hello in Lake Manyara

A young baboon tries to taste our Jeep

Gazelle on the Serengetti

Can you count how many Zebras are there (more than 2)

Elephants fighting

Looks like you saw it all. Not hard when you're on Safari in Tanzania, I guess!
for a second there I thought that might be a picture of Jamie haha
Hi guys
I personally think the baboon looks like your father!
The pics are amazing - i love the little guy trying to eat your jeep - boy has he got it wrong - and no wonder he looks so thin!
Continue having fun
Love the Islanders (Mom and dad)
Haha... I think Jamie is more closely related to the banana monkey family. We also saw a monkey that looks EXACTLY like our finance professor.
lovely pictures .. enjoyed it...
brought up my memories of masia mara
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